Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ключевые тренды в кибербезопасности: навыки по обнаружению и предотвращению рисков


Ключевые тренды в кибербезопасности: навыки по обнаружению и предотвращению рисков
15 ноября 2017 в Москве, в офисе компании KPMG, In2Matrix приняли активное участие в конференции, посвященной кибербезопасности, стремительно набирающей свою популярность, а значит, и увеличивающей свою потенциальную опасность в современном бизнесе. Организаторами мероприятия выступили 3 компании: In2Matrix, KPMG и ACCA.
Конференцию открыл Игорь Лебедев, Партнер отдела консультирования по управлению рисками KPMG, отметив комплексность проблемы кибер-рисков компаний и опасность недостаточного внимания компаний к этим рискам.
 Далее Игорь Черватюк, старший консультант KPMG,  привел из собственной практики примеры уязвимых мест в системе кибер-безопасности различных компаний и примеры того, как злоумышленники могут ими воспользоваться.
Продолжая тему,  Андрей Иванов из Microsoft обратил внимание участников конференции на то, что зачастую хакерам хватает двух дней для того, чтобы проникнуть в систему компании и получить самые широкие права доступа, после чего злоумышленник может манипулировать с  данными компании в течение 11-14 месяцев до обнаружения.
Тимур Бигулов из Лаборатории Касперского привел данные, согласно которым за последние 2 года  хакерами  было похищено 1,5 млрд руб. с банковских счетов юридических лиц, максимальная сумма кражи при этом составила 424 млн. руб. Заражение компьютеров компании, как правило, происходило при обращении к сайтам для бухгалтеров. Чаще всего атаки хакеров нацелены на компьютеры бухгалтерии, на 2м месте - маркетинг и отдел кадров, на 3м – юристы. «На текущий момент уже недостаточно обычных антивирусов», - отмечает Тимур. – «Нужна многослойная кибер-защита». Бизнесу необходимо обеспечить многоуровневую защиту от известных, неизвестных и сложных угроз.
Дополняя тему технической защиты от кибер-рисков, Алина Тимофеева, In2Matrix, рассказала о методах управления финансовыми потерями от кибеp-инцидентов. Чтобы минимизировать риски финансового ущерба от кибер-атак, можно перенести их на страховую компанию. При стоимости страхового полиса от 1000 долларов страховые выплаты могут составлять 200-980 тысяч долларов. Со стороны страховой компании клиенту предлагаются предварительные риск-консультации и возможность использования внешних экспертов, которые в случае наступления страхового случая проведут необходимые действия, в том числе по разработке и реализации мер для минимизации ущерба и минимизации времени реакции.
В завершение конференции Сергей Зарубин, KPMG, и Евгений Каплин, Module Trade,  подняли тему безопасности, набирающей все большую популярность технологии смарт-контрактов и блокчейн.
В ходе обсуждения вопросов, поднятых спикерами, участники конференции согласились, что каждый день наши компании рискуют стать жертвами хакерских атак, и вопрос с IT-безопасностью с каждым днем встает все острее. Необходимо вооружиться средствами защиты – будь то облачное решение, более продвинутый антивирус или же страхование от кибер-рисков, а, возможно, и все вместе. Чтобы быть успешными в столь быстро развивающемся мире, мы должны идти в ногу со временем, создавая наше будущее.

За дополнительной информацией, пожалуйста, обращайтесь:
Алиса Епанешникова +7 (495) 287-03-37

Thursday, August 24, 2017


How can HR protect the safety of globally mobile employees?

How can HR protect the safety of globally mobile employees?

Increasing globalization has meant a wider range of companies send their people to emerging markets and higher-risk locations.


Increasing globalization has meant a wider range of companies send their people to emerging markets and higher-risk locations.

At first glance, it’s a wonder any company would send its employees abroad.

But Mass uprisings are just one potential danger; also on the warning list are kidnapping and execution, natural disasters such as earthquakes or volcanoes, and the possibility of pandemic disease.   


HR departments must be prepared to resist pressure from employees to travel if they come to the conclusion it is too dangerous.

HR departments must be prepared to resist pressure from employees to travel if they come to the conclusion it is too dangerous.

This can be mitigated by ensuring employees are given relevant security briefings, appropriate international insurance with medical advice and vaccines, medical evacuation along with 
repatriation services and transport arrangements.

Ultimately, employers have both a legal and moral duty to take care of their staff.

Ultimately, employers have both a legal and moral duty to take care of their staff.

Companies could face substantial sums in compensation if an employee suffers injury or death as a result of their failure to take reasonable steps to ensure their safety.

We recommend that HR teams seek specialist advice to ensure they can successfully navigate this complex and ever-changing area.

We recommend that HR teams seek specialist advice to ensure they can successfully navigate this complex and ever-changing area.

We offer clients unbiased, innovative and customized Global Insurance Solution with broader coverage for Global Organizations with an international mobile workforce, including Medical, Life, Disability, Kidnap & Ransom, Travel, Pension, Cyber, Property, Auto and Accident products, including coverage for third country and key local nationals.

We operate globally! Our consultants are always there on the ground to help you!

We operate globally from our offices in the UK, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Cyprus, our specialist consultants are always there on the ground to help you.

Clients across the globe count on us for international employee benefits and risk management advice. 

Clients across the globe count on us for international employee benefits and risk management advice.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Risk Insights Agriculture: Crop Frost Protection Best Practices

While farmers in cold climates are used to the effects of frost and regularly take extensive measures to avoid damage, those in more moderate climates are simply not as prepared to guard their business from loss in this area. Use these tips to ensure you make it through the each season successfully.

Critical Freezing Temperature
Educate yourself on the critical freezing temperature of your crops. This number will depend on several factors, including the difference between air and leaf temperatures, wind chill, duration of the low temperatures, stage of plant growth and overall health of the crop. The amount of damage will also depend on the crop itself – among the most frost-tender crops are strawberries, tomatoes and sugar beets.

Frost Protection Measures
Protection methods include proper site selection and use of heaters, irrigation, chemicals, and man-made fog or wind machines. The first step is choosing appropriate land by considering its elevation, water features and sun or wind exposure. It takes years of experience for some growers to understand exactly how their land affects critical temperatures, so it may be helpful to take measurements of minimum temperatures periodically to understand frost risk. The safest practice is to consult a specialist – an agricultural meteorologist or climatologist – to determine how temperature data should be interpreted and what actions are best to take.

Other protection methods vary in cost, effectiveness and associated risks. Farmers should base their decision on the proper frost protection method on the dynamics and terrain of the growing site. Whatever the method, frost protection must be executed carefully. Preparation and testing of the system should be finished well before freezing risks are present.

Managing Frost

Crop yield, drying rate and quality may be affected in frost-damaged crops depending on the amount of harm. Contact your farm insurance broker before harvesting to avoid causing further damage and unnecessary risks. Check your specific policy to make sure you have crop damage protection. Remember, the best way to manage frost risk is to have a plan in place for cold temperatures regardless of the time of year or your location.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Top 10 Ways to Control Your Employers’ Liability Costs

Insurers will likely analyse at your claims history when underwriting your employers’ liability premium. If you can help control your claims, you can lower your price — so we’ve gathered top tips to help you impact your bottom line.

1.  Investigate accidents immediately and thoroughly; take corrective action to eliminate hazards, and be aware of fraud.

2.  Report all claims to your insurer immediately. Alert the insurer to any serious, potentially serious or suspect claims. Frequently monitor the status of the claim, and communicate with the adjuster to resolve them as quickly as possible.

3.  Take an aggressive approach to providing light duty to all injured employees upon their release from treatment. Supervise light duty employees to ensure their conformance with restrictions.

4.  In serious cases that involve lost time, communicate with the loss adjuster to demonstrate your interest in returning the injured employee back to gainful employment.

5.  Set safety performance goals for those with supervisory responsibility. Success in achieving safety goals should be used as one measure during performance appraisals.

6.  Develop a written safety programme, and train employees in their responsibilities for safety. Incorporate a disciplinary policy into the programme that holds employees accountable for breaking rules or rewards them for correctly following safety procedures. 

7.  Frequently communicate with employees, both formally and informally, regarding the importance of safety.

8.  Make safety a priority – senior management must be visible in the safety effort and must support improvement.

9.  Evaluate accident history and near-misses at least monthly. Look for trends in experience, and take corrective action on the worst problems first.

Business Benefits From Proper Health and Safety

Practising model health and safety in your workplace is not just another chore your business must do to remain compliant with legislation and avoid fines and prosecution—it is a smart and beneficial business decision. Exemplary health and safety equips your business for future growth and improves its chances for survival in a turbulent economy. Establishing a solid baseline for workplace health and safety creates a ripple effect that continues to benefit your business far into the future.
Every business has industry-specific risks that can threaten safety and productivity, including:

·         Asbestos
·         Electrical safety
·         Gas safety
·         Noise
·         Slips and trips
The simple and necessary act of protecting your employees from your business’ specific risks makes for healthier, happier and more productive employees—who, in turn, make your business more successful. Maintaining effective workplace health and safety can generate the following five business benefits.

1.     Reduced Absences and Sick Leave
Improving workplace health and safety measures reduces employee absences and sick leave. Healthy employees miss fewer working days. Minimising employee absences and sick leave saves money on both direct and indirect absence costs.

  • Direct absence costs include absent employees’ salaries, overtime incurred by employees covering for absent co-workers and loss of output from absent employees.
  • Indirect absence costs include training time necessary for replacing sick or absent employees, the possibility of diminished services and product quality, loss of business and recruiting temporary staff.
Every business has different absence rates and costs associated with ill health. Assess yours with the Workplace Wellbeing Tool found here: www.gov.uk/government/publications/workplace-wellbeing-tool. It will help you calculate absence costs to your business and develop a plan to lower them in the future. A concerted effort to reduce absences and sick leave, rooted in model health and safety initiatives, will make your employees healthier and your business more successful.

2.     Saving on Recruitment Costs
By reducing employee absences caused by ill health or accidents, you retain valuable employees and save money on recruitment costs. Recruiting employees, especially for critical positions, can be costly. Consider all the expenses associated with recruiting and training a new employee:

  • Designating someone to recruit new employees.
  • Searching and advertising for new employees.
  • Conducting interviews with candidates.
  • Training replacement employees.
  • Dips in productivity as new employees become accustomed to the workplace.
Do not waste money on recruitment and jeopardise your most valuable asset—your employees—by relying on subpar workplace health and safety programmes.

3.     Lowered Insurance Costs
Maintaining an ideal standard for your workplace health and safety programmes can have a direct causal relationship to lower insurance premiums. A top-notch workplace health and safety programme can lower the number of accidents in your workplace, thus reducing employers’ liability premiums. Almost all business owners are required to purchase employers’ liability cover—it covers workers in the event they become ill or sustain an injury at work.
But purchasing insurance such as employers’ liability, motor vehicle and property cover is not enough. Insurance policies do not cover everything—they only cover a small portion of accident costs. There are also many costs not covered by insurance that result from accidents or injuries, like:

  • Repairs to plant and equipment
  • Production delays
  • Fines
  • Legal costs
  • Loss of contracts
A double-pronged attack of wide-ranging insurance covers and meticulous health and safety programmes will keep your insurance costs low and your employees healthy.

4.     A Stable Reputation
You have worked hard to cultivate an upstanding reputation for your business throughout the years. Preventing accidents and ill health helps create and maintain a caring reputation for you and your business. Just one workplace accident or scandal can tarnish that hard-fought, respectable reputation. A blemish on your business’ reputation can be hard to remove. Blemishes can include:

  • Fines
  • Negative public opinion that is difficult to change
  • Plummeting sales
  • Media scrutiny
  • Unwanted, large-scale attention
To avoid the relentless public enquiries that accompany workplace accidents, focus your efforts on ensuring your employees and products are safe and healthy. Good public relations can increase your sales and generate more leads. Unwavering attention to workplace health and safety helps preserve a stable and trustworthy reputation.

5.     Improved Productivity
Promoting workplace health and safety helps improve productivity. Stress and accidents at work are two of the biggest causes of absence from work today. Whether they cause short, unscheduled absences or long-term illness, they can have a serious impact on your productivity and profits. If workers have to cover for an absent colleague it can put additional pressures on them, contributing to increased absence in the longer term.
If your employees feel happier and safer, they can accomplish their work with less difficulty and danger. Employees will respect and appreciate any improvements you implement that make their jobs safer and easier. This increased morale can save you money in the long run. Safety measures by no means drag down productivity—just the opposite. Keep things moving by emphasising the importance of vigilant adherence to health and safety policies.

Wellness Initiatives to Promote Stress Management

Employees may not know it, but stress is a leading contributor to many health problems. Lowering stress can reduce the risk of medical conditions and help individuals feel better on a daily basis. You can play an important role in reducing employee stress.

Activities and Programmes

·    Monthly chair massage. On-site professional massages allow employees to reduce their stress without even leaving work. These can be offered in 10- or 15-minute blocks, allowing employees to return to their jobs refreshed and renewed.
·    Exercise class. Exercise is a great way to relieve and even prevent stress. Offer a variety of class times (before and after work, during lunch, etc.) as well as various types of classes – from relaxing yoga to stress-busting kickboxing.
·    Stress management class. Provide employees with the education and tools to manage time and tasks, to cope with daily stressors and to prevent stress from damaging their health.
·    Comedy day. You can’t worry and laugh at the same time! Bring in a stand-up comedian, show old black-and-white comedies and/or hold a contest for funniest home videos and funniest jokes.
·    Meditation room. Provide a designated space where employees can sit quietly and use meditation or prayer to defuse their stress.
·    Recognition. Celebrating workplace successes can raise employees’ morale and allow them to put their challenges in perspective. Make sure to recognise employees who have completed important projects, taken on a new challenge or had notable accomplishments.


·    Print your company logo or a funny joke on stress-relieving squeeze balls. These are very popular toys for releasing tension and can serve as inexpensive prizes for contest winners or activity participants.
·    Give away a free massage. Local massage professionals may want to contribute a free massage as part of an incentive or prize because it allows them to advertise their services.
·    Spa day. This may involve a facial, massage, hair and nails or other combination of beauty and wellness offerings. A day at the spa is a relaxing way to rejuvenate your spirit and appearance. Ask local spas to contribute a coupon or discount.
·    Paid holiday. This surprisingly inexpensive option can give hard-working employees a free day to just relax or take care of responsibilities at home or appointments that have been put off.
·    Gym membership. Persuade your employees to participate in programmes and activities by offering a free or discounted gym membership. Regular exercise will reduce stress levels, and helping with the cost will encourage many employees to utilise this benefit.
·    Audio book on breathing exercises. Voice-guided practise in breathing exercises allows employees to relax, slow their heart rate, rid their minds of stressors and learn a simple technique to manage stress that will last them a lifetime.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Why Cyber Liability Insurance

As technology becomes increasingly important for successful business operations, the value of a strong Cyber Liability Insurance policy will only continue to grow. The continued rise in the amount of information stored and transferred electronically has resulted in a remarkable increase in the potential exposures facing businesses.

 Why Cyber Liability Insurance? A traditional commercial insurance policy is extremely unlikely to protect against most cyber exposures. Standard commercial policies are written to insure against injury or physical loss and will do little, if anything, to shield you from electronic damages and the associated costs they may incur. Exposures are vast, ranging from the content you put on your website to stored customer data. Awareness of the potential cyber exposures your company faces is essential to managing risk through proper cover. Possible exposures covered by a typical cyber policy may include:

Data breaches – Increased online consumer spending has placed more responsibility on companies to protect clients’ personal information.

Business/Network Interruption – If your primary business operations require the use of computer systems, a disaster that cripples your ability to transmit data could cause you or a third party that depends on your services, to lose potential revenue. From a server failure to a data breach, such an incident can affect your day to day operations. Time and resources that normally would have gone elsewhere will need to be directed towards the problem which could result in further losses. This is especially important as denial of service attacks by hackers have been on the rise. Such attacks block access to certain websites by either rerouting traffic to a different site or overloading an organisations server.

Intellectual property rights – Your company’s online presence, whether it be through a corporate website, blogs or social media, opens you up to some of the same exposures faced by publishers. This can include libel, copyright or trademark infringement and defamation, among other things.

Damages to a third-party system – If an email sent from your server has a virus that crashes the system of a customer or the software your company distributes fails, resulting in a loss for a third party, you could be held liable for the damages.

System Failure – A natural disaster, malicious activity or fire could all cause physical damages that could result in data or code loss.

Cyber Extortion – Hackers can hijack websites, networks and stored data, denying access to you or your customers. They often demand money to restore your systems to working order. This can cause a temporary loss of revenue plus generate costs associated with paying the hacker’s demands or rebuilding if damage is done.

Cyber Liability Insurance is specifically designed to address the risks that come with using modern technology; risks that other types of business liability cover simply won’t. The level of cover your business needs is based on your individual operations and can vary depending on your range of exposure. It is extremely important to work with a broker that can identify your areas of risk so a policy can be tailored to fit your unique situation.